R2-D2 a fictional robot character in the Star Wars universe created by George Lucas, who appears in the original trilogy, the prequel trilogy, and the sequel trilogy. As a charismatic and mischievous astromech droid (referred to in the novel as a 'thermocapsulary dehousing assister'), R2-D2 is a major character appearing with his protocol droid companion, C-3PO, as the only two characters to appear in all seven Star Wars films. Throughout the course of the films, he joins or supports Anakin Skywalker, Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia, Padmé Amidala, and Obi-Wan Kenobi in various points in the saga.
English actor Kenny Baker played R2-D2 in all three original Star Wars films, and received billing credit for the character in the prequel trilogy, where Baker's role was reduced, as R2-D2 was portrayed mainly by radio controlled props and CGI models. In the sequel trilogy, Baker was credited as consultant for the first installment, while actor Jimmy Vee will take over the role beginning in Episode VIII. R2-D2's sounds and vocal effects were created by Ben Burtt. R2-D2 was designed in artwork by Ralph McQuarrie, co-developed by John Stears and built by Tony Dyson.
Tony Dyson
I think R2 and C3 bring comedic relief to the trilogy and I smile every time R2 beep and bops in his special way.
ReplyDeleteI had no idea how much time was invested in the portrayal of R2. Such a neat background.